
Management Information

1. Basic policy of information disclosure

We disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and various other laws and regulations, as well as the rules on timely disclosure stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (the "Timely Disclosure Rules").
In addition, we disclose information that is not required by laws and regulations or Timely Disclosure Rules but that is considered to have a substantive impact on investment decisions or that is useful in deepening understanding of our company, in consideration of fairness and timeliness.

2. Method of information disclosure

Information that is required to be disclosed in accordance with laws and Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed via TDnet (Timely Disclosure network) and EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors' NETwork), and then posted on our corporate website.
We make efforts to ensure that information that does not fall under the above categories is communicated as fairly and broadly as possible by posting it on our corporate website.

3. Forward-looking statements

Future information disclosed by us, such as our group plan, estimate, outlook and projection, is based on our judgement or assumption at the time of disclosure, therefore, such information is not guarantee or assurance that the figures or measures will be realized in the future.
Actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of factors.

4. Quiet period

We establish a quiet period from the day after the end of the fiscal or quarterly accounting period until the announcement of the financial results. During the quiet period,we refrain from making comments or responding to inquiries regarding its financial performance unless such information has already been publicly disclosed.
Even during the quiet period, however, we continue to disclose information subject to the laws and Timely Disclosure Rules, appropriately and in a timely manner.

Financial instruments business : Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kin-sho) No. 2640